Renaissance Business Associates Renaissance Business Associates
Renaissance Business Associates Renaissance Business Associates
The Eight Gates Of Initiation

“We all come in through the Silver Gate and we all go out through the Gold Gate and there are Six Gates in between…”

Based on an old fable, and drawn from the work of Dr Angeles Arrien, this workshop explores the six gates between birth and death, through which we all must pass and allows for time with some of our deeper questions. For example: How brightly burns the creative fire beneath my feet? What is the creative project that occupies me? What is the shape of the legacy I will leave? How freely does my authentic nature live in the world? Where am I roaming? What am I remembering? Whom am I serving? What am I teaching?
We invite you to journey with us in personal and collective ways through these gates, bringing with you a “creative project”, something that is stretching you, be it work related, a relationship, an artistic endeavor or a new venture. We will return to this project throughout our days together as each one finds ways to bring new approach to its completion.

Our way of working includes solo reflection, solo time in nature, pair and group work, as we explore familiar and new territories together. We will bring our best thinking to our dialogues on different themes and engage our creativity through crafting, painting, writing, stillness and noble silence, community building and a spot of cooking!

Associated link: www.angelesarrien.com